Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Peru Food Update

So sorry, dear readers, I have not been posting as much recently, being very busy with my non-cyberspace life. And since that life pays the bills---well, you know how that is.

I do know this blog gets a regular amount of visitors, from many countries in the world, and I thank all of you who visit and enjoy this page. Please feel free to leave a comment if you found any helpful or interesting information. Your comments encourage me to continue in this endeavor.

Gracias a todos los que visitan esta página, y si lo disfrutan o si encuentran alguna información útil, sus comentarios me dan las ganas de seguir adelante en este proyecto medio loco de promover la cocina peruana en el mundo anglófono. La página está en inglés precisamente porque hay muchas páginas en el internet en castellano
pero pocas en inglés sobre la comida del Perú. Este blog nace de mi amor por el Perú y su cocina, y lo hago sin ningún fin lucrativo o comercial. Ojalá sea del agrado de todos ustedes.

Currently, I am working on the following for the blog:

I'm preparing a new translation of an interview with Gastón Acurio, which I hope to post in the near future.

I know that many of you who visit this page are searching for Peruvian recipes. I admit, although I love Peruvian cusine, I am not a chef so I don't have my own personal recipes to share with you, but I do have fairly decent internet research skills so right now I am also working on compiling links to the best Peruvian recipes in English available on the internet. I'll also be posting those links some time in the near future.

Finally, the most exciting news is that I'm planning on making a quick trip to Peru in the next month or so, and with digital camera in tow, I hope to bring you back loads of photos, so keep visiting.

In the meantime, enjoy the blog, and more importantly, enjoy Peruvian food.




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