Monday, March 05, 2007

Peruvian Food In The Media: Newsweek & Globorati

Peruvian food continues to get coverage in both traditional and electronic media.

In the last few days, US newsmagazine, Newsweek, published an article about the Peruvian food boom, as did newly-launched Globorati, an online upscale travel guide that has been garnering its own bevy of press.

Newsweek's Joseph Contreras states, "During my years of traipsing around Latin America, I have always regarded Lima as one of the underrated gastronomic capitals of the hemisphere. There's nothing like unwinding at a seaside eatery in one of the Peruvian capital's outlying suburbs with a frothy pisco sour cocktail and a plate of seviche marinated in lime juice and ají peppers."

His article also makes mention of Culinary Tour Peru, which was mentioned in this previous post regarding a Reuters article about Peruvian food, as well as in this Spanish-language El Comercio article.

Meanwhile, the folks at Globorati: Jet Set Intelligence (love the name), posted about Lima's ceviche cognoscenti in which they summarize and link their way into the web's own cevichería. As I said, Globorati has already been mentioned in The New York Post, the Wall Street Journal, and Condé Nast Traveler.

To read the Newsweek article in its entirety, please click here.

To go directly to the Globorati post about Lima's ceviche scene, please click here.

Click here for the Peru Food main page.

TAGS: Peru, Peruvian, food, cooking, cuisine, cocina, comida, gastronomía, peruana


  1. At the present time your blog is one of the best references of the Peruvian cousine. Congratulations!!! Keep the good job Alejandro.

  2. Thanks Rogelio, I'm just trying to do my bit...


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