Friday, January 25, 2008

Marinera Time! The Annual Marinera Competition In Trujillo

No, I'm not posting about the Italian spaghetti sauce...

As long as I'm promoting Peruvian music and dance this week (see here) let me remind you this weekend, in the northern Peruvian city of Trujillo, one of Peru's most exciting dance competitions takes place: the annual National Marinera Competition.

The Peruvian marinera is the beloved dance of coastal Peru: grandiose, elegant, and technical, it inspires all who view it. Every year in January there is a national competition in Trujillo which brings together the best marinera dancers in all of Peru and even from abroad.

Like so many others, I love the marinera and its music. Here at Peru Food, I've written about this dance before. Last year, I posted regarding the 2007 edition of this competition at this post. I also wrote about Mitch Teplitsky's film, Soy Andina, the story of a Peruvian American dancer who travels from Queens to northern Peru to learn and live this dance. That post is here.

Now, the National Marinera Competition has rolled around yet again, and though I'm not going to discuss its history, I want to make mention of the event.

The marinera is a thrilling dance: just hearing the initial sounds of the drumroll as the marinera starts makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

Here is a videos in three parts of last year's National Marinera Competion, featuring the winners of the Group Choreography category, meaning they performed marinera as a group.

Enjoy it!

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

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TAGS: Peru, Peruvian, food, cooking, cuisine, cocina, comida, gastronomía, peruana


  1. Hola Alejandro,

    Gracias por tu mail, seguimos en contacto.
    Hasta pronto,

  2. Gracias Isabella por la visita. Un abrazo!


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