Monday, August 18, 2008

Peruvian Food Photos: A Visit To Chala

In all of greater Lima, perhaps the most romantic spot is the Bajada de Baños, the natural ravine that leads from the main square of the Barranco district down to the Pacific Ocean.

Chala is located in the Bajada, in an historic adobe house with a wide wooden veranda that sits along the cobble-stoned pedestrian walkway which leads from the plaza down to the water. Overhead crosses the most famous bridge in Peru,
El Puente de los Suspiros, The Bridge of Sighs.

These photos, courtesy of Peruvian food fan Rich Friedman, are from his visit to this Peruvian coastal fusion cuisine restaurant that blends traditional flavors with a contemporary style.

Rich photographed two dishes at Chala.

The first is of sesame seed-covered
ají de gallina croquettes, sprinkled with parmesan cheese and served with an ají panca sauce.

The main dish is an asparagus-stuffed, pepper-seared tuna steak served over a bed of tomato
concassé and diced avocado marinated in ají limo, with yuca chips on the side.

More information about Chala at their website.

Photos: Rich Friedman

Click here for the Peru Food main page.

TAGS: Peru, Peruvian, food, cooking, cuisine, cocina, comida, gastronomía, peruana


  1. Did you know Chala is the Quechua name for the coastal region? It has also another meaning among urbanites in Lima...

    Loved the dishes presentation!

  2. Yes, I didn't mention that, glad you did. It means the area between the coast and the first folds of the Andes.

  3. I just walked by this restaurant and my friend exclaimed about how good it was!

  4. @ PZ: It's on my short list for my next trip to Lima...


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