Italians have been in Peru since the colonial period. By 1560, there were already 50 Italians listed in the Lima census.
However, it wasn't until the late 1800s, and well into the early 1900s, that there was a significant wave of Italian immigration to Peru. While not sizeable in number (as in other Latin American countries, notably Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay), the legacy of those Italian immigrants who came to call Peru home has sown deep roots.
Some of that legacy has to do with the cuisine. In Peruvian cuisine (particularly, along the coast, since most Italian immigrants settled in Lima), Italians have played a key role.
This dish, a Peruvian favorite, comes from that history. By the way, in Peru, spaghetti noodles are called tallarines.
I've received various messages and e-mails for a recipe for tallarines rojos.
This recipe comes to us courtesy of María Elena Cornejo, food critic for CARETAS magazine, who has her own excellent Spanish-language blog, Mucho Gusto Perú, in which she reviews Peruvian restaurants and discusses Peruvian cuisine.
Gracias, María Elena.
I'm not a chef, and I don't post too many recipes on this blog, but I hope you enjoy this one.
Just in case, I will publish this recipe in my English translation and the original Spanish version.
Buen provecho! Buon appetito!
Tallarín Rojo: Homestyle Peruvian Spaghetti in Red Sauce
1 kilo spaghetti
1 diced onion
1 clove garlic
4 diced tomatoes, peeled and de-seeded
1 tablespoon crushed bay leaf, softened in a cup of red wine
1 whole bay leaf
1/2 kilo of browned ground beef or chopped grilled beef
1 cup whole mushrooms
1 tablespoon of red ají
3 tablespoons of tomato sauce
1 grated carrot
Beef broth (as needed)
Oil, salt, and diced cilantro
Parmesan cheese
Make an aderezo (a base) by sauteeing in oil: ají, garlic and onion, until softened and translucent.
Add the diced tomato, tomato sauce, carrot, bay leaf and the wine in which the crushed bay leaf has been marinating, and the whole mushrooms. Cook over a low heat for 15 minutes.
Add the browned ground beef or chopped grilled meat, and beef broth.
Season and cook for a few minutes in an uncovered pot.
Before pouring sauce over the cooked spaghetti al dente, sprinkle diced cilantro on top. If you wish, you can garnish with grated parmesan cheese.

Tallarín Rojo: Criollo y Casero
1 kilo de espaguetis
1 cebolla picadita
1 diente de ajo
4 tomates sin piel ni pepas en cuadritos
1 cucharada de laurel remojado en una taza de vino tinto
1 hoja de laurel
1/2 kilo de carne molida (o asado)
Hongos o champiñones enteros
1 cucharada de ají colorado (o especial)
3 cucharadas de salsa de tomate
1 zanahoria rallada
Caldo de res (cantidad necesaria)
Aceite, sal, culantro picado
Queso parmesano
Hacer un aderezo con el aceite, ají, ajo y cebolla. Añadir el tomate, la salsa de tomate, la zanahoria, el laurel y los hongos enteros con el vino del remojo, dejar cocinar a fuego bajo por quince minutos. Añadir la carne molida y caldo de res. Sazonar y cocinar unos minutos más en olla sin tapar. Antes de servir sobre los tallarines cocinados al dente esparza culantro picado por encima. Si quiere le puede agregar queso parmesano rallado.
Lo puede preparar con carne molida o servirlo con asado de res.
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TAGS: Peru, Peruvian, food, cooking, cuisine, cocina, comida, gastronomía, peruana
TAGS: Peru, Peruvian, food, cooking, cuisine, cocina, comida, gastronomía, peruana
Que RICO!!!! Yo lo ago un poco diferente pero esta receta se ve bien buena. Can't wait to try it out!
Let me know how it turns out!
Thanks for a detailed and on point blog about peruvian food. Chimpun!
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