Incredible as it may seem (at least to me), one year ago I decided I was going to start three blogs.
All of them had to do with Peru, and my reality as a Peruvian-American from California: one was in English, one in Spanish; and the third, in English about Peruvian food.

In one year, Peru Food has had over 100 thousand hits (which in Internet terms is not much; but, in my terms seems like quite a lot).

But, one of my dearest friends, a Rastafarian chef told me: Alejandro, stop. You may not have been a Peruvian food expert; but, in this past year, you have become one.

And now, the thanks in Spanish.

Hace un año comencé tres blogs a la vez, todos relacionados con mi realidad como un estadounidense de padres peruanos, viviendo entre California y el Perú: el primer blog en castellano, el segundo en inglés, y el tercero también en inglés, pero sólo sobre la cocina peruana.
Juro que nunca pensé que más de cuatro gatos me iban a leer.
Pero pasó algo alucinante---de repente, noté que el blog en inglés sobre la gastronomía peruana, Peru Food, comenzó a volar por si mismo, y en un corto año, me han llegado mas de cien mil visitas, que en el mundo del Internet es poco, pero que en mi mundo, me parece increíble.
A todos ustedes que se han tomado la molestia de visitarme, mencionarme, enlazarme, leerme, comentarme, o corregirme, se los agradezco profundamente de corazón. Me dan ánimos para seguir adelante en este proyecto.

Sin más, muchas gracias, y que siga la fiesta.
Thank you all for your support, and let the party begin.
Click here for the Peru Food main page.
TAGS: Peru, Peruvian, food, cooking, cuisine, cocina, comida, gastronomía, peruana
TAGS: Peru, Peruvian, food, cooking, cuisine, cocina, comida, gastronomía, peruana
Alejandro, Although I just started reading your blog a couple of months ago, I must confess it's one of my favorites. Peru is a country that will become much more progressive, the day when we Peruvians really start appreciating our cultural heritage. So thanks for what you are doing, promoting our food around the world. I'm glad to be one of the first ones to say Happy Birthday Peru Food!
Feliz Cumpleaños! I found your blog not long ago and have enjoyed the information and tips about Peruvian food. I love knowing that others desire to see la cocina peruana grow even in the US. Buen trabajo, felicitaciones!
And now, from Japan...
Kinenbi omedetou gozaimasu!!!
(Congratulations on your first year!!!)
Y que vengan muchos más...
¡Salud!, digo... ¡provecho!
I can't believe it has been a year! It really is amazing what you have accomplished. Imagine what the next year will bring. I look forward to seeing you on Oprah, with a handful of internationally renowned chefs, discussing your new book....happy birthday!
It is with great pleasure that I discover your blog. I am a devotee of Peruvian food and enjoy finding it wherever I can here in Los Angeles. I also enjoy trying my hand at cooking some Peruvian recipes. However, I am looking to find a market that carries Peruvian ingredients. Specifically, I am looking for Peruvian chili peppers: roccotos, aji amarillos, etc. Do you know anywhere in Southern California where I could find them?
SwissaMissa congratulates you a couple of days late but nonetheless from the bottom of her heart. PeruFood has brought us together in the most serendipitous (is that even a word?) way and I consider myself fortunate to have gotten to know you personally. I will continue to visit Peru as well as your site, not only for recipes but for inspiration. Peru es mi patria adoptada and, of course, nothing revives memories of a place like the smells and tastes of its foods. Keep up the good work. From one Aquarian to another, Happy Birthday Peru Food!!!! Oprah definitely needs to get involved because she actually shares her birthday with Peru Food. Lucky her.
Happy blog birthday! I always consider food a great unifier, and if it's Peruvian food, even better. I hope you keep it going!
Feliz Cumpleaños atrasado, pero como reza el dicho: MÁS VALE TARDE QUE NUNCA...
Feliz por tu gran acogida y mucho más feliz porque nuestro querido Perú se ve engrandecido por tu valiosa difusión de otro más de nuestros tesoros: nuestra deliciosa COMIDA PERUANA
Un beso grande para ti Alex
Mil gracias por sus palabras alentadoras, y espero seguir mucho tiempo en este proyecto.
Many thanks to all of you for your kind words, I hope to continue for a long time in this endeavor.
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